In support of the book and the symposium, we are convening weekly sessions to get together to focus on specific questions of how make interactive text more powerfully useful in the meta-context of supporting our own dialog on this WordPress blog jrnl. We will discuss: How can we build open systems to augment rich interactions with such Doug Engelbart inspired capabilities as high resolution addressing, glossary support, dynamic and non-linear views, support for analysis, advanced searches & more? What are the underlying technical, economic and other issues in the way of this and how can they be overcome? These are urgent, complex problems and will require a broad community…
FoT 2019 Invitation
You are invited to join us for the future of The Future of Text: I am producing a book called ‘The Future of Text : A 2020 Vision’ which will be published next year and I’d be honoured if you would like to contribute a page. The book comes out of the series of symposia I have been hosting since 2011 in collaboration with the co-inventor of the Internet, Vint Cerf. This year’s symposium will be in London on the 9th of December, to which you are also very welcome. So far we have a wonderful group of people joining us, as contributors to the book and/or participants at the…
Mouse-Over search for jrnl
I had a very useful conversation with Shane Gibson yesterday about how to incorporate glossary entries into a blog post and whether the user should manually do this or if the system should do it or something in-between. I designed an interaction based on this but this morning I realised something quite different: Doug Engelbart talked about explicit links (what we might call hyperlinks) and implicit links (such as a link from a word to its entry in a glossary). This made me realise that when an author makes a link, whether to an external site, another blog post or to a glossary term, this is an explicit link,…
jrnl WordPress Plugin
We are starting this journey using our WordPress blog jrnl both as a place for discussion and implementation and testing of text interaction ideas. initial functionality : glossary Authoring The user will select any text while authoring and in the text tools dialog a ‘g’ will appear, which the user can click on to view a list of all posts which have been categorised in the [Glossary Term] Category. Selecting such a term will mark the selected term has having that Glossary Term associated with it. Shane, how should we do this exactly, how should it be marked up? Creating a Glossary Term Creating a glossary term…
Future of Text 2019 Invitation
We are hosting the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium and would very much like it if you could join us. This is a ‘summit’ which means there are not audience and speakers, only participants who will all have time for a brief presentation followed by dialog. Announcing the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium : Connecting Texts A major step in the story of our evolution was when we gained the ability to point out to each other what we could see. A further major step was when we gained the ability to point out what could not be seen and to interact with what…
FoT Invitation (draft)
We are hosting the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium and would very much like it if you could join us. This is a ‘summit’ which means there are not audience and speakers, only participants who will all have time for a brief presentation followed by dialog. Announcing the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium Summit on the theme of ‘Connecting Texts’ A major step in the story of our evolution was when we gained the ability to point out to each other what we could see. A further major step was when we gained the ability to point out what could not be seen and to interact with what…
Three Things
Since I am more fluent in writing markdown, I will put details in three separate gists hosted on GitHub. What we are doing How we want to collaborate What do we want to achieve? You are welcome to join the discussion by commenting on individual post.
Blog post for 1/22 meeting
What I am doing? I am working in concert with Frode and Chris to bring an improved set of authoring and reading tools to the WordPress platform which adhere to “Englebartian” principles. It is my intention to carve out some time to work on a new tool that will enable two-way linking of text in a browser. In essence, when a backlink to content is created, I would like to enable a method for the original author of the content that is being linked to to be notified and be able to avow or disavow the link to create a more interconnected network of content which is known among authors…
Moving Forward
Priority For me, the most important problem that I am interested in working on is the creation of documents which are as findable readable and citable as possible. By ‘document’ I mean an enclosed unit of information which links to other information implicitly or explicitly and is self-contained in its ability to be shared as an individual item. I think of a document as a framing of human intention and this is why it is a unit of knowledge worth investing in to make more accessible than simply a copy of the paper substrate document which had no inherent interactive or connective capabilities beyond what happened in the readers mind…
Priorities for Going Forward
I have blogged this on my personal blog: