We are starting this journey using our WordPress blog jrnl both as a place for discussion and implementation and testing of text interaction ideas. initial functionality : glossary Authoring The user will select any text while authoring and in the text tools dialog a ‘g’ will appear, which the user can click on to view a list of all posts which have been categorised in the [Glossary Term] Category. Selecting such a term will mark the selected term has having that Glossary Term associated with it. Shane, how should we do this exactly, how should it be marked up? Creating a Glossary Term Creating a glossary term…
Future of Text 2019 Invitation
We are hosting the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium and would very much like it if you could join us. This is a ‘summit’ which means there are not audience and speakers, only participants who will all have time for a brief presentation followed by dialog. futureoftext.org Announcing the 9th Annual Future of Text Symposium : Connecting Texts A major step in the story of our evolution was when we gained the ability to point out to each other what we could see. A further major step was when we gained the ability to point out what could not be seen and to interact with what…
Authoring Version Control, Comments & Layout
Taking the layout of this blog as the starting point, I have looked at how to indicate that an article has been superseded. In this design the text ‘This Article has been superseded’ is appended after the date, with a reveal triangle. The reader can click on this to get options to simply acknowledge this (OK), and the red text becomes light grey, to view the latest version or to view the version history. Design Other design thoughts in this mock-up are having next and previous post buttons be on the right side of the screen so as to follow the logic of scrolling back and forth. There are no…
RFC: Summary Data Formats
A summary/abstract capability can be implemented like this: <summary>This is a summary.</summary> In compliance with a HTML 5.1 proposal, it’s also allowed to be wrapped in a <details> tag, <details> <summary>This is a summary.</summary> </details> although this form isn’t recommended and a transitional provision for the time no semantical identifier has been assigned yet. Clients are free to ignore the <details> wrapping. Clients are also free to ignore any other tags within <summary>, the expectation is that the text nodes regardless of other tag encapsulation will be rendered. It might be important to point out that this RFC doesn’t imply that semantic meaning is derived from the HTML 5.1 proposal…
RFC: Glossary Data Formats
First stage For now, we can use the following format to specify glossary entries for the Journal: <dl> <dt>Media Fragment</dt> <dt>Media Fragments</dt> <dd>Paragraphs, datasets, images, topic maps, glossaries… that go into forming one or more document(s).</dd> <dd>This glossary entry is a media fragment, and each of its parts could be as well.</dd> </dl> As the Journal is currently stored in WordPress, we might use its data model to some extend, but will abandon that more and more by abusing it as generic online data storage, where any arbitrary data is stored in the content-body of a blog post. This will render all plugins, themes and administrative tools on the server…