Hi, this is a quick update on Webleau (Web Tableau) part of my suite of ideas for how I’d like information systems to work. A guiding principle for me is that people should be able to get a feel for what’s going on and it should be “easy to do the right thing”, rather than a chore. Try the current work in progress here: http://www.soton.ac.uk/~totl/webleau/ The webleau idea is based on an older tool I made, wiki explorer, which was a tool for exploring wikipedia, linked data and other graphs of information. It used <canvas> and didn’t save well, nor did I really think about how to load/save things. None…
- Annotation, Authoring, Citations, Demo, Demo @ 50, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Implicit Linking, Liquid Space, Meetings, Perspective, ViewSpecs
Webleaux / Dynamic View / Murder Wall (name to be decided – it became Liquid Space)
In chats with Christopher today we went through what the dynamic view he is working on should really be for and how it should look and behave. We agreed that it should be a way for someone to analyse a series of web pages, by default the blog you are on but with support for any web pages to be pasted in (augmented/hypercopy/citation link copy). Initial work will show blog posts (or pre-prepared for demo) which can be arranged at will and comments being possible to add on the fly. The resulting graphical view will be saveable as a blog post (future). Presented By Christopher Gutteridge
Hyperknowledge allows to build a federated ecosystem of knowledge work tools. It is based on an event sourcing model of generalized concept graphs, which can model structured data or documents. High-level events are interpreted into micro-events by distributed components, allowing for ad-hoc event model extensibility; components can enrich data reactively; inter-process subscription allows reactive transclusion. Longer Description We will present work in progress on the hyperknowledge protocol. We are developing infrastructure for a federated document and concept graph model, HyperKnowledge. We want to establish a Web of Knowledge. This allows to see how any idea is connected with other ideas in debates, through evidence, citations, influence, consequences, etc. The long-term goal is…