In chats with Christopher today we went through what the dynamic view he is working on should really be for and how it should look and behave. We agreed that it should be a way for someone to analyse a series of web pages, by default the blog you are on but with support for any web pages to be pasted in (augmented/hypercopy/citation link copy). Initial work will show blog posts (or pre-prepared for demo) which can be arranged at will and comments being possible to add on the fly. The resulting graphical view will be saveable as a blog post (future). Presented By Christopher Gutteridge
- Annotation, Authoring, Citations, Demo, Demo @ 50, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Implicit Linking, Liquid Space, Meetings, Perspective, ViewSpecs
fast dynamic views & dynamic displays
Based on our previous meeting, thinking and talking with Chris, I have noted down an issue of what we are referring to as a rich, dynamic view of blog articles: I am convinced that in order for the symbol manipulation Doug Engelbart spoke so highly off to be realised, we will have to developed much richer visual authoring and reading environments, both in terms of the visual presentation and the speed and smoothness of interaction. For the jrnl project we have our priorities and here are some further thoughts based on our last group chat: Visually Rich I feel that it will be important to use a visually bigger, wider…
It would be great when typing in someone’s name who is also a blogger, at least on the same blog, to have a quick and easy way to link them to their profile.
- Authoring, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Meetings, Perspective, Priorities, Publishing Options
Initial Project Overview
Overview of the project as designed before the call on the 8th of October 2018. Our meeting today will be to agree on a flow, such as this, then how to architect it and who will take ownership of the different aspects of the work.
Collapse & Focus ViewSpec
In follow up to here is a visualisation created in Keynote to illustrate how double clicking on a heading to collapse all other headings and thus give the user a more focused way to work could look:
jrnl High Resolution Addressing Implementation
I think the notion of addressing is key for much of the interactions we should build and I have written on it all over the place, particularly on the site where I discuss connections and addressability as aspects of the same thing. For our jrnl project a high priority is to implement stable way where a reader can cite text in a blog post and have a high expectation that when cited in another blog post or other document, when a subsequent reader chooses to access the citation source, that it will automatically be indicated on the article. An important part of this is the use of the high…
Why Blogging Sucks?
First things first. Blogging doesn’t suck. It just still does not shine with the light it can, given some proper data are added to our words. It does not breath enough connected data space. And I totally agree with Stephan Kreutzer’s write-up that blogging isn’t “hypertexty enough.” In my world, I would call that same concept – webby, or better: semantic webby. What would really augment my experience as a writer and a reader, is the ability of the system I write within to: Consolidate dynamic content Assign unique identifiers for things, people and all other conceivable entities Allow the creation of semantic networks that will add to the Giant Global…
Thoughts on a ‘Publish’ Dialogue Box
The act of publishing to the web, through WordPress, can be more useful for the reader if the process includes explicit steps for adding meta-information, such as the Category of the post and appropriate Tags. In this dialogue, mocked up for possible inclusion in Liquid | Author, the user has a large, clear screen for assigning Categories and adding Tags:
The wordpress ‘status’ Format is quite interesting. It behaves like a non-headed tweet or social media post. It could be useful for future work.
Why Blogging Sucks
6 minutes read at slow text-to-speech rate In my regular role as a self-appointed long distance technology scout, my secret weapon and antidote to any hype has always been to do a Google Search “X sucks” or “Why X sucks”. I understand that our goal here is to find better ways to do what blogging wanted to be. So I leave the task of providing an overview of the subject for another time. Here I have 2 hours tops to do a brain dump on the topic, and use this opportunity to articulate long held beliefs on the subject. Together with my colleagues at Easysoft we had been blogging and…