• [Glossary Term],  High Resolution Addressability

    High Resolution Addressability

    The ability for a link to be created which does not just link to the document but to a specific section within the document, such as a paragraph or a sentence, so that the reader can instantly jump to the cited section. This is a high-resolution version of pages in physical documents and can be used for further interaction. Related to the issue of pointing and addressing: http://wordpress.liquid.info/the-fine-art-of-addressing/ This is a Doug Engelbart term. jrnl post Category: High Resolution Addressability

  • [Glossary Term]


    The Timeline in jrnl is the view of all the blog posts. We aim to augment this view through two mechanisms: Query/Search In the Timeline view the user should be able to search/query the server for which blog articles to view and the user should further be able to search within the search result. ViewSpec Timeline ViewSpec system which provides flexible ways for the user to choose how the list of document should appear. This is conceptually the same as the Dynamic Views.

  • Meetings,  Priorities,  Recordings

    Meeting with Chris Gutteridge 5th of Sept 2018

    Christopher Gutteridge and I had a half day work and discussion session on the project. Decisions We decided that we should work on published documents, not live documents as in Google Docs. We further affirmed what may be obvious; that we want to make any additions modular so that anyone can plug any component into their wordpress install without needing the rest. Major components of work will a fast query engine and a view engine for a list/timeline view and text interactions when reading a document.   Actions We plan to hire an external wordpress developer for a reality check before moving further. I have noted down our priorities as…

  • Perspective

    Why Blogging Sucks

    6 minutes read at slow text-to-speech rate In my regular role as a self-appointed long distance technology scout, my secret weapon and antidote to any hype has always been to do a Google Search “X sucks” or “Why X sucks”. I understand that our goal here is to find better ways to do what  blogging wanted to be.  So I leave the task of providing an overview of the subject for another time. Here I have 2 hours tops to do a brain dump on the topic, and use this opportunity to articulate long held beliefs on the subject. Together with my colleagues at Easysoft we had been blogging and…

  • RFC

    RFC: Summary Data Formats

    A summary/abstract capability can be implemented like this: <summary>This is a summary.</summary> In compliance with a HTML 5.1 proposal, it’s also allowed to be wrapped in a <details> tag, <details> <summary>This is a summary.</summary> </details> although this form isn’t recommended and a transitional provision for the time no semantical identifier has been assigned yet. Clients are free to ignore the <details> wrapping. Clients are also free to ignore any other tags within <summary>, the expectation is that the text nodes regardless of other tag encapsulation will be rendered. It might be important to point out that this RFC doesn’t imply that semantic meaning is derived from the HTML 5.1 proposal…

  • Related Work


    Discourse is internet discussion forum. “Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. Use it as a mailing list, discussion forum, long-form chat room, and more!” business model Paid for hosting: payments.discourse.org/pricing team Jeff Atwood, co-founder and co-founder of Stack Overflow Robin Ward, co-founder Sam Saffron, co-founder discourse.org

  • Perspective

    What Sucks about Blogging

    Blogging as a practice is just fine, what sucks is that the way we do it isn’t hypertexty enough. Blogging as a practice in itself doesn’t suck at all. Writing diary or articles or entries in a journal is just fine. It’s the way how we do it today that needs improvement. I have an incomplete list of desired hypertext capabilities, but when looking at only blogging activities in isolation, it’s also clear that a different hypertext capability profile/subset is needed than for other modes of working on/with text. What sucks about blogging on the web is the absence of that particular capability profile. This is an incomplete list as…

  • Perspective,  Uncategorized

    Personal Hypertext Report #6

    Stephan Kreutzer doesn’t want to work on a WordPress enhancement: the current posts on the default installation broke XML processing by a non-browser client because of a named DTD entity and bugs in WordPress’ wpautop() function – both unnecessary problems caused by the general web context, too expensive to fix and difficult to work with. There’s great consensus that the first project, the jrnl, should be a WordPress enhancement project. I’m happy with that as a good practical compromise for bootstrapping ourselves: it’s readily available and many people know how to set it up and/or use it, it’s libre-freely licensed (not ideal though, GPLv2 makes no sense for software that…