I missed the 1968 demo since I was only 6 months old at the time. pointing However, as I now see in my beautiful baby boy Edgar, I was already way on my way to working on one of the most fundamental aspects of human-world-interaction: Pointing. As I see in my beautiful baby boy Edgar, it doesn’t take long after entering this world to start to look at things and then to point at them as a means of establishing a link to what ones attention is focused on. This is natural, this arises out of our evolution. We are not separate from our environment, we are intrinsically tied to…
- Blue Dot, Citations, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Implicit Linking, Publishing Options, ViewSpecs
Blue Dot Menu Design
Guys, this is what we are doing with testing so that we have an interaction means to test some of the work we are looking into. Please comment. The blue dot, carried over from http://wordpress.liquid.info (originally the Hyperwords dot) is being tested as an interaction means for the jrnl. The menu is being modified to not have the highlighted character, no sub menu, one menu break and no bottom ‘brand’ section. Menu Items The menu items for first testing should be: Search this site Google Wikipedia Images (google images) – break, to be shown as an empty line, maybe later modified in height or with line – Copy As Citation (copies text and…
Component overview
In response to recent email discussion, I would suggest the following as independent components, or wordpress plugins to develop, but in a way which they plan nice with eacth other. Please feel free to comment and/or copy and do your own list for discussion, I am just throwing this out here. There is a lot to do in the future, as listed on the thefutureoftext.org/jrnl-components-to-build.html page but this seems like our start: Timeline View Search Component. Chris adds: ”a way to refer to WP elements in a standardised way and an API to query those with a very light graph querying system that could be replaced later” View Component with…
Rich Text Interaction / Blue Dot
An example interaction to provide server-side specified options for text interactions. Options can include in-blog search, user name recognition and links and more. You can try it live at http://wordpress.liquid.info/a-theoretical-model-for-knowledge-work-symbol-manipulation-4-aug/ It looks like this: This is currently implemented at wordpress.liquid.info under the original name of ‘hyperwords’ in 2006: A Level, B Level & C Level of Activity
Visual Syntactic Text Formatting
Visual Syntactic Text Formatting is one of the ViewSpec we are considering. As originally developed by Mark Warschauer, University of California, Irvine markw@uci.edu, Youngmin Park, University of California, Irvine and Randall Walker, Mayo Clinic: Visual-Syntactic Text Formatting – Live Ink I have implemented is a simplified version in Liquid | Flow, as can be seen in these two different lengths, taking a paragraph from Doug Engelbart’s 1962 paper, some tweaking as to what rules should be used can be useful, both live and pre-set:
Authoring Version Control, Comments & Layout
Taking the layout of this blog as the starting point, I have looked at how to indicate that an article has been superseded. In this design the text ‘This Article has been superseded’ is appended after the date, with a reveal triangle. The reader can click on this to get options to simply acknowledge this (OK), and the red text becomes light grey, to view the latest version or to view the version history. Design Other design thoughts in this mock-up are having next and previous post buttons be on the right side of the screen so as to follow the logic of scrolling back and forth. There are no…
Document ViewSpec
A flexible view where the user can control the presentation of the article, including collapsing into outline modes, expanding into Flow mode, colour coding of key text and more. This is a Doug Engelbart term. Cited from Authorship Provisions in Augment jrnl post Category: ViewSpecs