Overview of the project as designed before the call on the 8th of October 2018. Our meeting today will be to agree on a flow, such as this, then how to architect it and who will take ownership of the different aspects of the work.
- Authoring, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Meetings, Perspective, Priorities, Publishing Options
9th December, my Priorities (personal)
For the jrnl project to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doug Engelbart’s demo, I aim to have the following done and ready to demo and for people to download and use themselves: Liquid | Author support posting to WordPress with high-resolution addressing for citation done. Flow and Find in Article, both of which are ViewSpecs and will require that the document is re-drawn live in jrnl Basic hyperGlossary functionality for jrnl and Author. Author released with perfect citation export and use experience. Bonus would be to have the following or at least have started gearing up for work on: Voice interaction for editing. Compressed Scrolling. Please feel free to share…
refined blue dot
We now have this refined blue dot menu, with basic functions only. It’s only live on wordpress.liquid.info so far though.
Draft Symbol Manipulation Session Intro (pointing)
When presenting the keynote address at the World Library Summit in Singapore in 2002, Doug Engelbart remarked on his impression of the computer when he first came across it. This was in the era when computers were still used simply to compute, to crunch numbers. He said: symbols “I saw that we have a tool that does not just move earth or bend steel, but we have a tool that actually can manipulate symbols and, even more importantly, portray symbols in new ways, so that we can interact with them and learn. We have a tool that radically extends our capabilities in the very area that makes us most human,…
Draft 2 for ‘symbol manipulation session’
When presenting the keynote address at the World Library Summit in Singapore in 2002, Doug Engelbart remarked on his impression of the computer when he first came across it. This was in the era when computers were still used simply to compute, to crunch numbers. He said: symbols “I saw that we have a tool that does not just move earth or bend steel, but we have a tool that actually can manipulate symbols and, even more importantly, portray symbols in new ways, so that we can interact with them and learn. We have a tool that radically extends our capabilities in the very area that makes us most human,…
draft of FoT ‘Addressing & ViewSpecs’ Session at Doug@50 Introduction
I missed the 1968 demo since I was only 6 months old at the time. pointing However, as I now see in my beautiful baby boy Edgar, I was already way on my way to working on one of the most fundamental aspects of human-world-interaction: Pointing. As I see in my beautiful baby boy Edgar, it doesn’t take long after entering this world to start to look at things and then to point at them as a means of establishing a link to what ones attention is focused on. This is natural, this arises out of our evolution. We are not separate from our environment, we are intrinsically tied to…
- Blue Dot, Citations, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Implicit Linking, Publishing Options, ViewSpecs
Blue Dot Menu Design
Guys, this is what we are doing with testing so that we have an interaction means to test some of the work we are looking into. Please comment. The blue dot, carried over from http://wordpress.liquid.info (originally the Hyperwords dot) is being tested as an interaction means for the jrnl. The menu is being modified to not have the highlighted character, no sub menu, one menu break and no bottom ‘brand’ section. Menu Items The menu items for first testing should be: Search this site Google Wikipedia Images (google images) – break, to be shown as an empty line, maybe later modified in height or with line – Copy As Citation (copies text and…
jrnl High Resolution Addressing Implementation
I think the notion of addressing is key for much of the interactions we should build and I have written on it all over the place, particularly on the site http://symbolspace.info where I discuss connections and addressability as aspects of the same thing. For our jrnl project a high priority is to implement stable way where a reader can cite text in a blog post and have a high expectation that when cited in another blog post or other document, when a subsequent reader chooses to access the citation source, that it will automatically be indicated on the article. An important part of this is the use of the high…
Component overview
In response to recent email discussion, I would suggest the following as independent components, or wordpress plugins to develop, but in a way which they plan nice with eacth other. Please feel free to comment and/or copy and do your own list for discussion, I am just throwing this out here. There is a lot to do in the future, as listed on the thefutureoftext.org/jrnl-components-to-build.html page but this seems like our start: Timeline View Search Component. Chris adds: ”a way to refer to WP elements in a standardised way and an API to query those with a very light graph querying system that could be replaced later” View Component with…
High Resolution Addressability
The ability for a link to be created which does not just link to the document but to a specific section within the document, such as a paragraph or a sentence, so that the reader can instantly jump to the cited section. This is a high-resolution version of pages in physical documents and can be used for further interaction. Related to the issue of pointing and addressing: http://wordpress.liquid.info/the-fine-art-of-addressing/ This is a Doug Engelbart term. jrnl post Category: High Resolution Addressability