An environment developed by Christopher Gutteridge with Frode Hegland. Previously known also as weblaux and presented to Vint first time this week. It’s an environment for visually seeing and manipulating nodes in a network.
Stephanie Couch
Executive Director, Lemelson-MIT Program Stephanie Couch, PhD is the Executive Director of the Lemelson-MIT Program, a nonprofit with a mission to inspire young people to pursue creative lives and careers through invention. She has more than a decade of experience in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education policy, research, development and strategic fundraising. She leads the program’s research efforts, partnership development, and guides the Lemelson-MIT Program’s national awards and grants initiatives. Couch previously served as the interim Associate Vice President for Research, Bayer Executive Director at the Institute for STEM Education, and Director of the Gateways East Bay STEM Network at California State University at East Bay. Couch also…
8th of December
On the morning of the 8th of December 2018 a few of us tool builders and tool-builder-interested will meet to go through how we and our systems might work together. Please note that this is strictly an invitation only event but if you feel your work relates strongly to Doug Engelbart’s work please email Venue Crowne Plaza Cabaña Hotel, Palo Alto. 4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto | California | 94306 | United States Attending IRL Vint Cerf Frode Hegland Chris Gutteridge Timour Shchoukine Irina Antonova Dan Whaley Duke Crawford Adam Cheyer (likely) Douglas Crockford Jack Park Marc-Antoine Robert Cunningham Ted Nelson Attending Virtually Gyuri Lajos Mark Anderson Shane Gibson…
Webleau progress (Liquid Space)
Hi, this is a quick update on Webleau (Web Tableau) part of my suite of ideas for how I’d like information systems to work. A guiding principle for me is that people should be able to get a feel for what’s going on and it should be “easy to do the right thing”, rather than a chore. Try the current work in progress here: The webleau idea is based on an older tool I made, wiki explorer, which was a tool for exploring wikipedia, linked data and other graphs of information. It used <canvas> and didn’t save well, nor did I really think about how to load/save things. None…
Tools Panel Session
Thank you for being a part of the ‘Thoughts for Tools: Developing Through A Doug Lens’ panel session I am hosting at the 50th anniversary of Doug Engelbart’s demo. We will not have a lot of time but we have an important task: To inspire someone in the audience on the day or in the future to actually build something which both augments their intellect and which is built in a manner which can allow for bootstrapping and participating in the C-Level of activities. I would very much appreciate it if you could write a brief statement on this now, to help us align and think about this. If you…
KnowFlow in a visual knowledge management enviroment for collaborative groups. Collaborative SAAS, purely web-based multi-user application. Although it is been created as a part of Neuroweb platform, it seems, that roots behind Douglas Engelbart conceptual framework and Neuroweb conceptual framework are the same. As one can see when reading D.Engelbart’s group documents, cognitive science concepts were used in a context very similar to what is considered to be a conceptual framework of Cultural–historical psychology approach, based on undestanding of concept developement and role of symbolic representations in development of psyche and culture. One can see citations of authors connected to cultural-historical psychology throughout the works of Engelbart’s group, i.e. of…
- Annotation, Authoring, Citations, Demo, Demo @ 50, High Resolution Addressability, hyperGlossary, Implicit Linking, Liquid Space, Meetings, Perspective, ViewSpecs
Webleaux / Dynamic View / Murder Wall (name to be decided – it became Liquid Space)
In chats with Christopher today we went through what the dynamic view he is working on should really be for and how it should look and behave. We agreed that it should be a way for someone to analyse a series of web pages, by default the blog you are on but with support for any web pages to be pasted in (augmented/hypercopy/citation link copy). Initial work will show blog posts (or pre-prepared for demo) which can be arranged at will and comments being possible to add on the fly. The resulting graphical view will be saveable as a blog post (future). Presented By Christopher Gutteridge
Brant Cooper
CEO, Moves The Needle Brant Cooper is the author of the New York Times bestseller “The Lean Entrepreneur” and CEO of Moves the Needle. With over two decades of expertise helping companies bring innovative products to market, he blends design thinking and lean methodology to ignite entrepreneurial action within large organizations. He has experienced monumental milestones such as IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and crushing failure. He serves as a keynote speaker, advisor to entrepreneurs, accelerators, and corporate leaders, and in his current venture, Moves The Needle, empowers organizations to be closer to customers, move faster, and act bolder.
Xanadu Basics
Parallel pages, visibly connected, as explained in “Xanadu Basics 1a”: Presented By Ted Nelson
Shane Gibson
Software engineer (with a concentration in web application development, often using WordPress), entrepreneur, technology operations management consultant, and residential real estate investor. I am rarely the smartest one in the room. Testing my tooltip plugin. The Throatwarblermangrove should match and maybe Throatwarblermangrove will also match. I am also testing the tooltip plugin with the Phrase of the day. The Phrase of the day is a phrase instead of just a word and should match and display the glossary definition. Demo Presenter of the jrnl for the 2018 Special Symposium for which this system was initially produced.