I suggest that all of us put forth a proposal of how we should work together from now on, with whatever level of involvement you are comfortable with and how we want to integrate.
I also think we should honour the question from the 8th of December to guide our effort: What problem are we trying to solve?
Personally I think we are trying to solve the problem of small, distributed teams working together, in other words; how we can work together better. By better I mean getting a greater understanding of what the other team members are doing and the status of our common work, through less effort and being able to better articulate ones own status and perspective for quicker and easier understanding by the rest of the group.
This mirrors Doug’s goal in tone of course, but I am not shooting for collectively solving urgent, complex problems, I am simply suggestion we figure out ways to work together, starting with discussing bigger goals (systems etc.) but as soon as possible making achievable changes, both to our work practices and out tech.
So the question is of course work together for what?
To this I propose that we aim to produce a system of integrated tools to show to the world on the next anniversary of Doug’s demo, 9th of December 2019, with an interim demo at the next Future of Text, which will be in Washington DC in November. Something big, something impressive, something we would be proud to show to other teams.
Getting to this goal would require trying to actively use any and all of our systems which are production ready and for all of us to have some dialogue with everyone else on how best to integrate. The project Chris and I are working on is one goo example of a collaborative space which can link to pretty much all of the other work. Our proposal for a glossary system is another and even my personal project Liquid | Author can integrate somewhat.
If you agree, how about writing a specific post about what your system does and how you would like to integrate and use the Category ‘Integration’?
How about also writing down all the small issues you see which should be relatively trivial to solve in our ‘ecosystem’? To this list I would add high-resolution addressability or augmented copy, for example.
Please note: I think it’s important to state that I am in no way trying to own this conversation but I do think we need someone, including me, to shepherd it forward. I have no strong views on how to continue, only suggestions.