The “htx” parts in digital_publishing_workflow_tools with the earlier predecessor automated_digital_publishing comprise the early stages of a system that implements an abstract capability architecture standard (think POSIX) around the notion of small, independent tools/components supporting each other to perform higher-level operations. The goal is to build an Open Hypertext System for document aspects to follow later once the foundation is in place. Integration can happen by adding a capability implementation or the whole system to an existing application or to call it as an external function/service. Another way would be to register an existing application or capability as the implementation for the system to invoke it, which requires the conformance of…
How should we work together?
I suggest that all of us put forth a proposal of how we should work together from now on, with whatever level of involvement you are comfortable with and how we want to integrate. I also think we should honour the question from the 8th of December to guide our effort: What problem are we trying to solve? Personally I think we are trying to solve the problem of small, distributed teams working together, in other words; how we can work together better. By better I mean getting a greater understanding of what the other team members are doing and the status of our common work, through less effort and…
Liquid | Author Integration
Liquid | Author is a macOS word processor which is integrated with Liquid | Flow and which can export to PDF and Word as well as Publish to WordPress. You can learn more and try it yourself at Author & Flow can publish in specific ways to WordPress, to support Glossaries and can also import and show information. What would you like to do with this word processor?