- KnowFlow Timour
- Hypothesis Dan
- CogNexus Jeff Conklin
- Bret Victor
- Collaborama Adam
- Author Frode
- Glossary Liquid/Hyper Chris Frode Gyuri Marc Antoine etc.
- jrnl Chris Frode Shane
Knowledge Graphs
- Liquid Space Chris Frode
- HyperKnowledge Marc Antoine etc.
- TrailMarks Gyuri. We need to organise a laptop for a video loop since he won’t be there in person
- Exaptive Dave
Free Standing
- Xanadu Basics Ted with Chair
- Andy Van Dam (not confirmed)
- Solid Tim (not confirmed)
Doug Involved Projects
- HyPerform – Dean Meyer, ARC Alumn – Augment app on a PC, with keyset
- HyperScope – a hands-on station demoing Doug’s 2006 project, with keyset