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Semantic Web Experiment for glossary entries
This is a small experiment trying out the first suggestion in Semantic Web compatibility within wordpress. The problems seems to be that as soon as you press preview WordPress removes all the property attributes. It may be possible to fiddle with some settings. The only thing that seem to survive are classes as we found out in our experiments. TrailMarks In any case, what does matter that we are trying to add deeper linked content in a blog that can reconstruct the underlying graph. and since we have javascript it is a trivial matter to generate RDF or any other desired format. My first glossary term The definition of my first term.…
Semantic Web compatibility
It should be possible to express hyperglossary in a way that is compatible with established Web standards, explicitly SKOS, RDFa-Lite and WebAnnotation. The first part is easy, embedding the glossary itself in a HTML document. Suppose a web page represents a single term, it’s easy to make it into a SKOS concept, thus: <html lang="en" typeof="skos:Concept"> <head> </head> <body> <div> <h1 property="skos:prefLabel">My first glossary term</h1> <div property="skos:definition"> <p>The definition of my first term.</p> </div> <p>This term specializes <a property="skos:broader" resource="second-term" href="second-term">another term</a></p> </div> </body> </html> The key attributes would be inserted in the WordPress template. It is also possible (but not necessary) to have multiple terms in one page:…
Linked Text
“Linked Text” works like the mind: through associations. It creates all text as “dots”, and links them to all relevant meaningful contexts within the author’s preview, and back. It augments authoring of narrative “trails that never fade” as we connect the dots and allow recall of the entire scaffolding with which they were erected so that anybody can build upon them. These “dots” support high resolution associative content addressing and thus make contextual associative recall possible. As the process of consulting the records improves it augments the authoring process itself by “helping one to bring to mind what one had in mind” and presenting everything related that had been recorded…