CEO, Moves The Needle Brant Cooper is the author of the New York Times bestseller “The Lean Entrepreneur” and CEO of Moves the Needle. With over two decades of expertise helping companies bring innovative products to market, he blends design thinking and lean methodology to ignite entrepreneurial action within large organizations. He has experienced monumental milestones such as IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and crushing failure. He serves as a keynote speaker, advisor to entrepreneurs, accelerators, and corporate leaders, and in his current venture, Moves The Needle, empowers organizations to be closer to customers, move faster, and act bolder.
Xanadu Basics
Parallel pages, visibly connected, as explained in “Xanadu Basics 1a”: Presented By Ted Nelson
Shane Gibson
Software engineer (with a concentration in web application development, often using WordPress), entrepreneur, technology operations management consultant, and residential real estate investor. I am rarely the smartest one in the room. Testing my tooltip plugin. The Throatwarblermangrove should match and maybe Throatwarblermangrove will also match. I am also testing the tooltip plugin with the Phrase of the day. The Phrase of the day is a phrase instead of just a word and should match and display the glossary definition. Demo Presenter of the jrnl for the 2018 Special Symposium for which this system was initially produced.
Theodor Holm Nelson
Founding Designer, Project Xanadu Bio Imagined world-wide hypertext in the 1960s, and from the 1960s strove for a system of world-wide hypertext– of which the Web (with only jump-links) is a subset. Parallel pages, visibly connected, were and are the main idea. Ted Nelson coined many terms in common use (all with articles in Wikipedia)– hypertext, hypermedia, micropayment, transclusion, intertwingularity, dildonics (“teledildonics” came later), enfilade, docuverse, compound document. [ As well as (not in Wikipedia) structangle, possiplex, hyperthogonal structure, and sworfing (swooping and/or morphing). For over fifty years, proponent and designer of Project Xanadu– originally an initiative and software for world-wide hypertext, but continuing as an alternative design…
Christopher Gutteridge
System, Information, Web programmer, and part of the University of Southampton IT Innovation team. Demo Presenter of the jrnl for the 2018 Special Symposium for which this system was initially produced.
Hyperknowledge allows to build a federated ecosystem of knowledge work tools. It is based on an event sourcing model of generalized concept graphs, which can model structured data or documents. High-level events are interpreted into micro-events by distributed components, allowing for ad-hoc event model extensibility; components can enrich data reactively; inter-process subscription allows reactive transclusion. Longer Description We will present work in progress on the hyperknowledge protocol. We are developing infrastructure for a federated document and concept graph model, HyperKnowledge. We want to establish a Web of Knowledge. This allows to see how any idea is connected with other ideas in debates, through evidence, citations, influence, consequences, etc. The long-term goal is…
Bixby Developer Studio
The AI Assistant as the next web, open to developers. Presented by Adam Cheyer.
Collaborama attempts to rethink many aspects of today’s software development by providing collaborative teams a web-based integrated development environment inspired by many Engelbartian principles. Software development projects progress through many phases (e.g. ideation, team formation, prototype development, engineering, software testing, user testing, deployment, analysis) and requires many different skill sets (e.g marketing, product management, design, software engineering, QA). Today’s software development process uses a myriad of tools that are poorly integrated and share very little in common with each other. Workers in different roles use word processors, bug tracking systems, presentation programs, project management software, testing tools, programming languages, deployment frameworks — and none of these talk to each other…
Adam Cheyer
Co-Founder Siri & Viv Labs, VP R&D Samsung. Adam Cheyer is co-Founder and VP Engineering at Viv Labs, a startup (recently acquired by Samsung) dedicated to creating an intelligent interface to everything. Previously, Adam was co-founder and VP Engineering at Siri, Inc, and after Siri was acquired by Apple, a Director of Engineering in the iOS group. Adam also was a co-founder of (massively scalable machine learning) and a founding member of (world’s largest petition platform). Adam is the author of more than 60 publications and 27 patents. Demo or video for Demo Area Collaborama: A web-enabled collaborative development environment that rethinks software creation with a perspective inspired by Doug…
Howard Rheingold
Is the author of: Tools for Thought The Virtual Community Smart Mobs Net Smart Was: Editor of Whole Earth Review Editor of The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog Founding executive editor of Hotwired Founder of Electric Minds Has taught: Participatory Media and Collective Action (UC Berkeley, SIMS, Fall 2005, 2006, 2007) Virtual Community/Social Media (Stanford, Fall 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; UC Berkeley, Spring 2008, 2009) Toward a Literacy of Cooperation (Stanford, Winter, 2005) Digital Journalism (Stanford University Winter, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 ) Social Media Literacies (Stanford University Winter 2012, 2013, Fall 2014) @hrheingold