Participants Shane Gibson Frode Hegland Christopher Gutteridge Gyuri Lajos Introductions Chris Gutteridge: Works for University of Southampton, been there for 20+ years, works in OpenData, worked with Ted Nelson, doing a PhD in scholarly communication. When Frode started his project, Chris got involved because they had a lot of similarities. Chris comes from a very different perspective, had a bit of a brainstorm about Doug Englebart ideas and how to port them into WP. Chris is a developer himself. One of the ideas is some very simple and easy to understand components in WP, posts, categories, tags, etc, if you could treat those all as entities so that other applications…
Future Linking
Links which do not point to anything which currently exists but which is expected to come into existence, such as a future version of a document or dialog about the document.
9th December, Project Priorities
We have decided that we need to first and foremost implement high resolution addressing into the blue dot menu. We will further work on ViewSpecs and hyperGlossary integration.