Blue Dot,  Priorities

Basic Features, 20 Sep

In order for the jrnl project to reflect Doug Engelbart’s thinking we need to provide high-resolution addressability, ViewSpecs and some level of simple versioning.

High resolution addressing will be met to a minimum requirement by having paragraph level addressability and higher resolution if we can incorporate it.

High Resolution Addressing

Authoring High Resolution Links

This means that we will need to provide a means through which we add anchors to the text and we need to decide if it should be by the authoring client or through a server plugin.

Using High Resolution Links

We further need to make our text selection system ‘see’ the nearest higher anchor and incorporate it into the clipboard when user chooses Copy As Citation through our blue dot system.


The basic ViewSpecs we should have is what we call Flow which expands and contracts the text and the Liquid | Author style Find: where user selects text and chooses Find and only sentences with the selected text are displayed.


We should have a plugin which appears on pages and specifies if there is a new version, with a link to the new version.


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