In response to recent email discussion, I would suggest the following as independent components, or wordpress plugins to develop, but in a way which they plan nice with eacth other. Please feel free to comment and/or copy and do your own list for discussion, I am just throwing this out here. There is a lot to do in the future, as listed on the page but this seems like our start:
Timeline View
- Search Component. Chris adds: ”a way to refer to WP elements in a standardised way and an API to query those with a very light graph querying system that could be replaced later”
- View Component with visual controls for the view and the search/query
Document View
- The interaction means for doing the below, both keyboard shortcut list and the ‘blue dot’ mouse interaction. I am working on this now.
- ViewSpec support (change layout, including Flow and Show only sentences with keywords)
- Means for searching based on selected text
- Means for Copying as Citation, including high resolution addressing
- Means for creating, storing and accessing hyperGlossary entries